Welcome to the Suter Lab!

Suter Lab Photo

Growth Cone



February 2024

Laura's modeling paper got accepted in Mol. Biol. Cell. Congrats, Laura!

January 2024

Twesha and Avery joined the lab. Welcome Both!

November 2023

Paola and Gentry present their work at SfN in Washington, DC. Gentry gives an invited talk and Paola preents a poster.

October 2023

Gentry and Daniel attend the ZDM16 conference in Durham, NC. Gentry presents a poster.

September 2023

Sabbir's paper on Nox in neurite regeneration has been accepted in J. Neurochem. Congrats, Sabbir!

September 2023

Paola, Laura, Alex, and Soumyajit present at the Meeting of the Greater Indiana Chapter Society for Neuroscience.







The Suter lab is interested in understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cell motility. We are currently focusing our research efforts on directional movements of neuronal growth cones, which are highly motile structures at the tip of axons and dendrites. Growth cones are sophisticated signaling devices, capable of detecting information in the environment and transducing it towards the dynamic cytoskeleton that ultimately drives the motility. Understanding these mechanisms is not only important for neuronal development, but also to design strategies that overcome neuronal degeneration after injuries and diseases.

The Suter lab is part of the Department of Biological Sciences in the College of Science at and of the Purdue Institute of Integrative Neuroscience at Purdue University. The laboratory is located on the second floor of Lilly Hall of Life Sciences. Thank you for visiting our Website!


Suter Lab Tour Video

Please also visit our educational website CELLebration!